Saturday 5 May 2012

Birthday Video for Example

Example's 30th birthday is coming on the 20th of June this year. As this is his big 3-0, Fans for Example on facebook have decided to make him a special birthday video full of pictures of his awesome fans.

They are looking for pictures of Example's fans -- YOU! Any kind of picture of you guys will do, you by yourself, with your friends or even with something written on yourself for him to see.
Just send any picture to In the subject line of your e-mail you need to write Example b-day project otherwise they will not even open the e-mail.

Some other notes of the project are...
  • The size of the picture has no max limit, however the smallest it can be is 640 x 480 pixels.
  • It should be .jpeg or .png.
  • Add your name and the country you come from onto the picture.
  • They will be using an instrumental version of one of Example's songs on the video to which they are looking for suggestions. If you have a song you would like them to use suggest it in your e-mail.
  • The closing date for your pictures is the 3rd of June.

For more info you can go to the Fans for Example facebook page ... .

Friday 4 May 2012

New Single OUT NOW!!

Examples new single with Flux Pavillion (actually it's Flux ft Example) is out now. The song is called Daydreamer.

It is currently at number 30 on the midweek chart update, so let's try and get it to number 1 before Sunday!

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Example Featured on David's New Tracks

We all know about Example's loyal guitarist, David Stewart. He's always wanted to be a front star himself and now his dream may be coming true. He has recorded himself an album which features a few top stars including Example. The song is called 'Run the World' and you can hear it below.

If you click on the video itself it will take you to the YouTube page for the video, which you can see was added by David and clicking on his name will take you to his profile to see all his other new songs.
Go check them out!

We're Back!!

This month long hiatus is over now that I'm back off holiday... if that's what you'd even call it!

I was suppose to be going on this awesome cruise, which I paid £14K for. I went to Portsmouth and on the morning we were suppose to be leaving I couldn't get out of bed - I had food poisoning. So, I couldn't go on the cruise, wasn't allowed a refund and had to pay £70 a night for 27 nights because I was too ill was too get back home.

I saved up for 4 years to go on this cruise so now I am well and truly skint!

Isn't life just great sometimes.