Thursday 1 December 2011

Thousands of Women Want to Sleep with Example

Example has revealed that since becoming famous he has noticed the amount of women that want to sleep with him sky-rocket.

'Speaking in this month's FHM Magazine, which is out now, he explained: "At the start there might be a couple of fans who'd heard an odd song from my first album who wanted to sleep with me; now there's thousands, and obviously they're better quality!"

Being such a hit with the ladies has made the rapper realise that he would sometimes prefer a romantic evening and a simple cuddle.

"I've had some fun, and when it starts it's pretty exciting because you're like 'Wow, it's all on a plate'. But then I think it becomes a bit soulless after a while, and I get quite romantic, I just long for a cuddle rather than meaningless sex," he explained.

Despite the volume of attention he receives, the London artist admitted that he still gets called names on Twitter, but he doesn't let it bother him.

Example, real name Elliot Gleave, also made the effort to point out that his real life persona is not too dissimilar to the man he becomes on stage.

"Elliot and Example aren't that different. Although, me, Elliot, doesn't like attention on the street. But when I'm on stage I lap it up – I'm so big headed I want everyone looking at me," he said.'

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